I can always count on David DuChemin for encouragement and thoughtful advice regarding photography. I've been feeling a bit unfocused lately (no pun intended!) and so I especially appreciated his first blog post of the year, "10 Upgrades for 2019".
It's not what you think. David's 10 upgrades have nothing to do with gear. As he says: Want better photographs? Of course you do. We all do. But it’s probably not our gear, or lack of it, or how old it is, that’s standing in the way: it’s our excuses and lack of creativity. Make this the year you never once blame the camera. Make it the year you embrace whatever constraints the gear (or life) presents you with, and then get to work. Work around it or work with it. But work. The gear you have is enough and probably will be for quite some time. Upgrade the photographer instead. It’ll be cheaper, less frustrating, and here’s what matters: it’ll be the one upgrade that changes both your experience of photographing and the photographs themselves. Instead of talking about gear, David's 10 upgrades are about "upgrading the photographer" and making changes that will improve your photography regardless of what you are using. Ten upgrades may be a long list but the key, he says, is to pick one and enjoy the "freedom of doing that" instead of panicking about whether you need something bigger or faster or newer. Ah, these were words I needed to hear. I'm not yet sure which upgrade I will focus on but I'm looking forward a new challenge. Thanks, David! To read the original blog post, visit David's website (the link is below). He offers many useful resources for photographers as well. All the best with your upgrading in 2019! (^.~)/ David DuChemin hompage: https://davidduchemin.com/ 10 Upgrades for 2019: https://davidduchemin.com/2019/01/10-upgrades-for-2019/ (The image below is from David's blog post.)
After my previous blog post, I was feeling a bit discouraged. Then, by chance, a piece written by David duChemin, an amazing photographer based in Victoria, BC, Canada, showed up in my inbox. I subscribe to his newsletter and this particular piece couldn't have been more timely. Here are a few quotes: " We do not give our gift - whatever it is - into the world - to validate us, to tell the world how good, how bright, talented, or relevant, we are. We give it as a gift. And, as is so often the case with a gift, we do not know how the recipient will receive it. " "There is no surer way to stagnate as an artist than to do it for the reward, or to hold back from putting it out there for fear of never getting one." "'But who am I to put my art into the world?' I have no idea. Yet. And neither do you. It's only in the making of that art, whatever it is, and putting it out there, that you and I will find out." I will be re-reading this on a regular basis. Such wise, wise words. Thank you, David!
I'm a photographer based in Osaka, Japan. I like to share.
November 2024